The Royal Oak​

Winsford's iconic Grade II listed Royal Oak is situated in the centre of the village.
According to the National Park records, the building dates from the 16th or 17th century when it was initially a farmhouse. It became one of two or three alehouses in the village and was known as the Hare and Hounds until around 1830 when it was still attached to a 42 acre farm.
It progressed to being a family Inn owned by the local Acland estate and with tenants as landlords, the most famous of which was Daniel Evans who kept it for about 50 years.
When the estate sale sold off its land in the early 20th century the Oak was bought by the People's Refreshment Houses Association, an organisation set up by the Bishop of Chester, which aimed to promote the sale of non-alcoholic refreshments.
It received several extensions and alterations throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, including the nearby Winn Cottage which was used as an annexe until being sold as a private dwelling. It currently hosts the village shop.
The thatched building has survived several fires in its lifetime, being completely gutted in 1995 .
The pub was taken over by Winsford resident Jayne Davis in July 2022​
For further details, visit the Royal Oak website here.